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Product of the Month

We have access to van insurance schemes you wont find on the internet, we have deals with the UK’s leading insurance companies to find the best policy for a price that is right for you and your business.


Your van works hard for you and your business. We’ll help you keep it on the road, protect it for business use and potentially reduce your costs.


Whether you use your van for work, deliveries or family trips, we can cover you.


Your van’s your livelihood, you may use it for deliveries, your toolbox, your office or all of the above, so making sure you have adequate insurance protection is high on the priority list. If your van’s out of action, so are you, so a replacement van while yours is in the garage is essential – as is knowing that the quality of repairs will be top notch. You also want to know that when you need help getting back on the road after an accident or theft of your van, it’s there, 24/7.  Talk to us today about our comprehensive van cover for established businesses as well as new start-ups.


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