Special Offers
General | Special Offers | Travel Insurance
Travel Insurance we offer comprehensive cover for competitive prices.
Our policies provide cover for many pre-existing medical conditions with low excesses and a superior claims service.
General | Special Offers | Life Insurance | Protecting my family | Insuring a Business | Financial Advice
Life insurance is one of the pillars of personal finance, deserving of consideration by every household. I’d even go so far as to say it’s vital for most. Yet, despite its nearly universal applicability, there remains a great deal of confusion, and even skepticism, regarding life insurance.
General | Special Offers | Local Interest | Motor Insurance | Home Insurance | Travel Insurance | Life Insurance | Van Insurance | Protecting my family | Insuring a Business | Landlords | Mortgages | Pensions | Investments | Financial Advice
Music and TV stars are backing the campaign to save Salford Lads Club from the threat of looming closure
General | Special Offers | Local Interest | Life Insurance | Protecting my family | Insuring a Business | Pensions | Investments | Financial Advice
Financial Advice. We are Independent Financial Advisers and we offer fully independent, professional and unbiased advice on a wide range of financial products.
General | Special Offers | Local Interest | Motor Insurance | Home Insurance | Travel Insurance | Life Insurance | Van Insurance | Protecting my family | Insuring a Business | Landlords | Mortgages | Pensions | Investments | Financial Advice
Two squirrels who boarded a rush hour train to Gatwick forced operators to cancel the service.
General | Special Offers | Life Insurance | Protecting my family | Insuring a Business | Financial Advice
Life insurance is one of the pillars of personal finance, deserving of consideration by every household. I’d even go so far as to say it’s vital for most. Yet, despite its nearly universal applicability, there remains a great deal of confusion, and even skepticism, regarding life insurance.
General | Special Offers | Travel Insurance
Travel Insurance we offer comprehensive cover for competitive prices.
Our policies provide cover for many pre-existing medical conditions with low excesses and a superior claims service.
General | Special Offers | Local Interest | Motor Insurance | Home Insurance | Travel Insurance | Life Insurance | Van Insurance | Protecting my family | Insuring a Business | Landlords | Mortgages | Pensions | Investments | Financial Advice
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin massa tortor, blandit non velit quis, tempus finibus nisi. Aliquam auctor.
General | Special Offers | Life Insurance | Protecting my family | Insuring a Business | Financial Advice
Life insurance is one of the pillars of personal finance, deserving of consideration by every household. I’d even go so far as to say it’s vital for most. Yet, despite its nearly universal applicability, there remains a great deal of confusion, and even skepticism, regarding life insurance.
General | Special Offers | Travel Insurance
Travel Insurance we offer comprehensive cover for competitive prices.
Our policies provide cover for many pre-existing medical conditions with low excesses and a superior claims service.
Special Offers | Motor Insurance | Van Insurance | Insuring a Business
We have access to van insurance schemes you wont find on the internet, we have deals with the UK’s leading insurance companies to find the best policy for a price that is right for you and your business.
General | Special Offers | Local Interest | Life Insurance | Protecting my family | Insuring a Business | Pensions | Investments | Financial Advice
Financial Advice. We are Independent Financial Advisers and we offer fully independent, professional and unbiased advice on a wide range of financial products.
General | Special Offers | Motor Insurance | Van Insurance
Car Insurance. We compare the market so you don’t have too saving you time and money
General | Special Offers | Life Insurance | Protecting my family | Insuring a Business | Financial Advice
Life insurance is one of the pillars of personal finance, deserving of consideration by every household. I’d even go so far as to say it’s vital for most. Yet, despite its nearly universal applicability, there remains a great deal of confusion, and even skepticism, regarding life insurance.
General | Special Offers | Life Insurance | Protecting my family | Mortgages | Pensions | Investments | Financial Advice
Holding off state pension payments could mean getting much more when someone chooses to eventually retire.
Special Offers | Local Interest | Home Insurance | Life Insurance | Protecting my family | Financial Advice
The Government-backed Flood Re scheme is "instrumental" in helping to provide cover, an expert has said.
General | Special Offers | Life Insurance | Protecting my family | Insuring a Business | Financial Advice
Life insurance is one of the pillars of personal finance, deserving of consideration by every household. I’d even go so far as to say it’s vital for most. Yet, despite its nearly universal applicability, there remains a great deal of confusion, and even skepticism, regarding life insurance.
General | Special Offers | Life Insurance | Protecting my family | Insuring a Business | Financial Advice
Life insurance is one of the pillars of personal finance, deserving of consideration by every household. I’d even go so far as to say it’s vital for most. Yet, despite its nearly universal applicability, there remains a great deal of confusion, and even skepticism, regarding life insurance.
General | Special Offers | Motor Insurance | Home Insurance | Travel Insurance | Protecting my family | Mortgages | Financial Advice
Every house has them - those messy rooms that cost you dearly when it comes time to sell. Here's what you can do about them.
General | Special Offers | Local Interest | Life Insurance | Protecting my family | Insuring a Business | Pensions | Investments | Financial Advice
Financial Advice. We are Independent Financial Advisers and we offer fully independent, professional and unbiased advice on a wide range of financial products.
General | Special Offers | Travel Insurance
Travel Insurance we offer comprehensive cover for competitive prices.
Our policies provide cover for many pre-existing medical conditions with low excesses and a superior claims service.
General | Special Offers | Life Insurance | Protecting my family | Insuring a Business | Financial Advice
Life insurance is one of the pillars of personal finance, deserving of consideration by every household. I’d even go so far as to say it’s vital for most. Yet, despite its nearly universal applicability, there remains a great deal of confusion, and even skepticism, regarding life insurance.
General | Special Offers | Local Interest | Motor Insurance | Home Insurance | Travel Insurance | Life Insurance | Van Insurance | Protecting my family | Insuring a Business | Landlords | Mortgages | Pensions | Investments | Financial Advice
General | Special Offers | Local Interest | Home Insurance
Home Insurance we can shop around for you saving you time and money. Let us fine the best deal for you.
General | Special Offers | Life Insurance | Protecting my family | Insuring a Business | Financial Advice
Life insurance is one of the pillars of personal finance, deserving of consideration by every household. I’d even go so far as to say it’s vital for most. Yet, despite its nearly universal applicability, there remains a great deal of confusion, and even skepticism, regarding life insurance.
General | Special Offers | Travel Insurance | Financial Advice
Content creator Ben Matthew Saunders revealed he wanted to try and get a ticket to Spain and eat a full English breakfast all for less than it would have cost him to eat out at home.
General | Special Offers | Motor Insurance | Van Insurance
Car Insurance. We compare the market so you don’t have too saving you time and money
General | Special Offers | Motor Insurance | Van Insurance
Car Insurance. We compare the market so you don’t have too saving you time and money
General | Special Offers | Local Interest | Motor Insurance | Travel Insurance | Van Insurance
When Britons were asked in a survey to name their top festive driving tracks, Driving Home for Christmas garnered almost half of the vote, with Fairytale of New York gathering 46 per cent.
General | Special Offers | Motor Insurance | Home Insurance | Travel Insurance | Life Insurance | Van Insurance | Protecting my family | Insuring a Business | Landlords | Mortgages | Pensions | Investments | Financial Advice
The best Christmas foods have been voted for by members of the UK public and the results are in.
General | Special Offers | Local Interest | Home Insurance
Home Insurance we can shop around for you saving you time and money. Let us fine the best deal for you.
General | Special Offers | Local Interest | Financial Advice
Football fans will just need to quote ‘It’s coming home and I want a free pint’ to redeem their freebie
General | Special Offers | Local Interest | Home Insurance
Home Insurance we can shop around for you saving you time and money. Let us fine the best deal for you.
General | Special Offers | Life Insurance | Protecting my family | Insuring a Business | Financial Advice
Life insurance is one of the pillars of personal finance, deserving of consideration by every household. I’d even go so far as to say it’s vital for most. Yet, despite its nearly universal applicability, there remains a great deal of confusion, and even skepticism, regarding life insurance.
General | Special Offers | Local Interest | Motor Insurance | Home Insurance | Travel Insurance | Life Insurance | Van Insurance | Protecting my family | Insuring a Business | Landlords | Mortgages | Pensions | Investments | Financial Advice
Fraudsters are expected to use upcoming cost-of-living payments as a new way to ‘hook’ victims. Vicky Shaw takes a look.
General | Special Offers | Local Interest | Motor Insurance | Home Insurance | Travel Insurance | Life Insurance | Van Insurance | Protecting my family | Insuring a Business | Landlords | Mortgages | Pensions | Investments | Financial Advice
‘It’s still the case that the price quoted by your insurer is not necessarily the best you can get’
General | Special Offers | Travel Insurance
Travel Insurance we offer comprehensive cover for competitive prices.
Our policies provide cover for many pre-existing medical conditions with low excesses and a superior claims service.
General | Special Offers | Local Interest | Motor Insurance | Home Insurance | Travel Insurance | Life Insurance | Van Insurance | Protecting my family | Insuring a Business | Landlords | Mortgages | Pensions | Investments | Financial Advice
A herd of ill-tempered cows invaded Gadding Dam beach in West Yorkshire on Saturday August 13 and stole all the best tanning spots - even taking a dip in the sea.
General | Special Offers | Local Interest | Home Insurance
Home Insurance we can shop around for you saving you time and money. Let us fine the best deal for you.
General | Special Offers | Local Interest | Motor Insurance | Home Insurance | Travel Insurance | Life Insurance | Van Insurance | Protecting my family | Insuring a Business | Landlords | Mortgages | Pensions | Investments | Financial Advice
It's one giant step for hamkind.
General | Special Offers | Local Interest | Motor Insurance | Home Insurance | Travel Insurance | Life Insurance | Van Insurance | Protecting my family | Insuring a Business | Landlords | Mortgages | Pensions | Investments | Financial Advice
What do you get if you mix 160 eggs, 8kg of dark chocolate and 15kg of orange jelly? The world's largest-ever Jaffa Cake, of course.
General | Special Offers | Local Interest | Life Insurance | Protecting my family | Insuring a Business | Pensions | Investments | Financial Advice
Financial Advice. We are Independent Financial Advisers and we offer fully independent, professional and unbiased advice on a wide range of financial products.
General | Special Offers | Local Interest | Home Insurance
Home Insurance we can shop around for you saving you time and money. Let us fine the best deal for you.
Special Offers | Motor Insurance | Van Insurance | Insuring a Business
We have access to van insurance schemes you wont find on the internet, we have deals with the UK’s leading insurance companies to find the best policy for a price that is right for you and your business.
General | Special Offers | Motor Insurance | Van Insurance
Car Insurance. We compare the market so you don’t have too saving you time and money
General | Special Offers | Local Interest | Home Insurance
Home Insurance we can shop around for you saving you time and money. Let us fine the best deal for you.
General | Special Offers | Local Interest | Motor Insurance | Home Insurance | Travel Insurance | Life Insurance | Van Insurance | Protecting my family | Insuring a Business | Landlords | Mortgages | Pensions | Investments | Financial Advice
Don’t be caught out – many deals may not be as generous as they appear
General | Special Offers | Local Interest | Motor Insurance | Home Insurance | Travel Insurance | Life Insurance | Van Insurance | Protecting my family | Insuring a Business | Landlords | Mortgages | Pensions | Investments | Financial Advice
The online retail giant said it has made the decision due to ‘the high fees Visa charges for processing credit card transactions’.
General | Special Offers | Local Interest | Home Insurance
Home Insurance we can shop around for you saving you time and money. Let us fine the best deal for you.
General | Special Offers | Local Interest | Motor Insurance
The average price of a used car last week was 23.9% higher than a year ago, rising to a record high of £19,018, according to Auto Trader. We reveal which second-hand cars cost more than new.
General | Special Offers | Local Interest | Mortgages | Investments | Financial Advice
The Bank of England has given its clearest warning yet that rates will have to rise soon to keep a lid on soaring inflation following a surge in energy prices.
General | Special Offers | Local Interest | Home Insurance
Home Insurance we can shop around for you saving you time and money. Let us fine the best deal for you.
Special Offers | Motor Insurance | Van Insurance | Insuring a Business
We have access to van insurance schemes you wont find on the internet, we have deals with the UK’s leading insurance companies to find the best policy for a price that is right for you and your business.
Special Offers | Motor Insurance | Van Insurance | Insuring a Business
We have access to van insurance schemes you wont find on the internet, we have deals with the UK’s leading insurance companies to find the best policy for a price that is right for you and your business.
General | Special Offers | Local Interest
Fraudsters devise new coronavirus scams and revive old tricks as householders report hard-sell visits
General | Special Offers | Local Interest | Life Insurance | Landlords | Mortgages
The trend of mortgage rates creeping up could be about to be reversed, as lenders launch new deals amid the country's housing mini-boom.
General | Special Offers | Local Interest | Travel Insurance
There is a lack of clarity from travel insurers over how much protection their policies offer for Covid-related disruption, new research has revealed.
General | Special Offers | Local Interest | Home Insurance
Home Insurance we can shop around for you saving you time and money. Let us fine the best deal for you.
General | Special Offers | Local Interest | Motor Insurance | Van Insurance
GoCompare are currently offering Free £250 Excess Cover
Well we are offering £300 FREE MOTOR EXCESS
General | Special Offers | Local Interest | Financial Advice
From fine wine investment to ingenious new apps, these are some of the best financial solutions on offer
General | Special Offers | Local Interest | Financial Advice
Three and Vodafone join EE and BT Mobile by announcing pay monthly and Sim-only customers will soon see an increase to their bills.
General | Special Offers | Local Interest | Home Insurance
Home Insurance we can shop around for you saving you time and money. Let us fine the best deal for you.
General | Special Offers | Life Insurance | Protecting my family | Insuring a Business | Financial Advice
Life insurance is one of the pillars of personal finance, deserving of consideration by every household. I’d even go so far as to say it’s vital for most. Yet, despite its nearly universal applicability, there remains a great deal of confusion, and even skepticism, regarding life insurance.
General | Special Offers | Local Interest | Home Insurance
Home Working Insurance. Every profession is different, but we can tailor cover to give you the confidence you need when you’re out working – from legal liability cover to cover for your most important business equipment
General | Special Offers | Local Interest | Home Insurance
Home Insurance we can shop around for you saving you time and money. Let us fine the best deal for you.
General | Special Offers | Home Insurance | Mortgages | Investments | Financial Advice
Average cost of home jumps 1.6 per cent to £241,604 in July as housing market picks up pace
General | Special Offers | Local Interest | Home Insurance
Home Insurance we can shop around for you saving you time and money. Let us fine the best deal for you.
General | Special Offers
As stores begin to reopen their doors, our attitudes to spending – and everything else - may never be the same
General | Special Offers | Local Interest | Home Insurance
Home Insurance we can shop around for you saving you time and money. Let us fine the best deal for you.
General | Special Offers | Local Interest | Home Insurance
Home Insurance we can shop around for you saving you time and money. Let us fine the best deal for you.
General | Special Offers | Local Interest | Motor Insurance | Home Insurance | Travel Insurance | Life Insurance | Van Insurance | Protecting my family | Insuring a Business | Landlords | Mortgages | Pensions | Investments | Financial Advice
In testing financial times it's easy to be enticed by fraudsters. Here's what to look out for...
General | Special Offers | Local Interest | Motor Insurance | Home Insurance | Travel Insurance | Life Insurance | Van Insurance | Protecting my family | Insuring a Business | Landlords | Mortgages | Pensions | Investments | Financial Advice
The Prestwich comic would have turned 66 this week
General | Special Offers | Local Interest | Home Insurance
Home Insurance we can shop around for you saving you time and money. Let us fine the best deal for you.
General | Special Offers | Motor Insurance
Young Driver Insurance
Hurray, you’ve just got your new car!…or maybe you are looking to get one soon. Exciting times!
General | Special Offers | Local Interest | Landlords | Mortgages | Investments
The only real way to add value to your home is to make it more attractive ready for the traditional spring buying season. Experts say 10 key changes should make quick-fire returns.
General | Special Offers | Local Interest | Life Insurance | Protecting my family | Insuring a Business | Pensions | Investments | Financial Advice
Financial Advice. We are Independent Financial Advisers and we offer fully independent, professional and unbiased advice on a wide range of financial products.
General | Special Offers | Local Interest | Insuring a Business | Financial Advice
Hairdressers and Beauticians Insurance. If you are mobile or rent a chair in a salon the Active Insurance Hairdressers & Beauticians policy will provide you with cover for your legal liabilities and treatment risks as well as your equipment
General | Special Offers | Local Interest
The ‘Hallo-wheel’ will be lit up in ominous orange outside the Great Hall
General | Special Offers | Local Interest | Home Insurance | Landlords | Mortgages | Financial Advice
Before the winter weather hits you need to be sure your home insurance will protect you
General | Special Offers | Insuring a Business
Office Insurance. Active Insurance can tailor a policy that allows you to run your office in complete confidence
General | Special Offers | Mortgages | Financial Advice
Mortgage rates may be cheap but Brexit uncertainty is back, and data indicates that it's having a big effect on the types of deal borrowers are going for.
General | Special Offers | Local Interest | Motor Insurance
Prices down £100, with drop in registrations also a factor, says comparison website
Reforms to whiplash insurance payouts to stamp out bogus claims have helped to push down car insurance premiums by £100 in the past three months
General | Special Offers | Local Interest | Home Insurance
Home Insurance we can shop around for you saving you time and money. Let us fine the best deal for you.
General | Special Offers | Local Interest | Motor Insurance | Van Insurance
The cost of an annual comprehensive motor insurance policy in Britain rose 3.5% in the second quarter of 2019, lifted by a rise in the cost of claims, a survey on Monday showed.
General | Special Offers | Local Interest | Motor Insurance | Home Insurance | Travel Insurance | Life Insurance | Van Insurance | Protecting my family | Insuring a Business | Landlords | Mortgages | Pensions | Investments | Financial Advice
Yet another three-day weekend is upon us
General | Special Offers | Local Interest | Home Insurance | Landlords | Mortgages | Investments | Financial Advice
Phil Spencer, who hosts popular TV shows such as Location, Location, Location, reveals some of his simple value-adding tips, such as naming your house and hanging mirrors.
General | Special Offers | Travel Insurance
Travel Insurance we offer comprehensive cover for competitive prices.
Our policies provide cover for many pre-existing medical conditions with low excesses and a superior claims service.
General | Special Offers | Home Insurance
Policyholders with same insurer for six years charged twice as much as new customers, Citizens Advice finds
General | Special Offers | Home Insurance | Landlords
Home Insurance we can shop around for you saving you time and money. Let us fine the best deal for you.
Special Offers | Motor Insurance | Van Insurance | Insuring a Business
We have access to van insurance schemes you wont find on the internet, we have deals with the UK’s leading insurance companies to find the best policy for a price that is right for you and your business.
General | Special Offers | Life Insurance | Mortgages | Investments | Financial Advice
Life insurance is one of the pillars of personal finance, deserving of consideration by every household. I’d even go so far as to say it’s vital for most. Yet, despite its nearly universal applicability, there remains a great deal of confusion, and even skepticism, regarding life insurance.
General | Special Offers | Mortgages | Pensions | Investments | Financial Advice
If you make one New Year's resolution let it be overpaying your mortgage. This simple step could save you thousands of pounds in interest and help you clear your debt years earlier than planned.
General | Special Offers | Local Interest | Motor Insurance | Van Insurance
Policy exclusions mean you could end up unwittingly breaking the law. Jumping behind the wheel of your mate’s or your partner’s car could, in some cases, result in the vehicle being seized on the spot and you being punished for driving with invalid insurance.
General | Special Offers | Motor Insurance
Learner Driver Insurance. Young learner drivers are finding it so difficult to enhance their driving skills because of the insurance costs
General | Special Offers | Local Interest
It's not cheap to eat out with the kids but these places have made it a little bit easier
General | Special Offers | Life Insurance | Protecting my family | Insuring a Business | Financial Advice
Life insurance is one of the pillars of personal finance, deserving of consideration by every household. I’d even go so far as to say it’s vital for most. Yet, despite its nearly universal applicability, there remains a great deal of confusion, and even skepticism, regarding life insurance.
General | Special Offers
There are a couple of things you can do to get first in line for a bargain
General | Special Offers
Calls about personal injury or PPI banned unless people opt to receive them
New measures to end nuisance calls from personal claims companies in the UK have come into force.
General | Special Offers | Home Insurance | Financial Advice
Home Insurance we can shop around for you saving you time and money. Let us fine the best deal for you.
General | Special Offers | Local Interest | Motor Insurance | Home Insurance | Travel Insurance | Life Insurance | Protecting my family | Insuring a Business | Landlords | Mortgages | Pensions | Investments | Financial Advice
We would like to thank everyone that entered our prize draw. We now have the pleasure in revealing who won.
General | Special Offers | Local Interest | Motor Insurance | Home Insurance | Travel Insurance | Life Insurance | Protecting my family | Insuring a Business | Landlords | Pensions | Investments | Financial Advice
We would like to keep your informed on information that is important and relevant to you however to do this we would like to you to update your preferences.
General | Special Offers | Local Interest | Motor Insurance | Home Insurance | Travel Insurance | Life Insurance | Van Insurance | Protecting my family | Insuring a Business | Landlords | Mortgages | Pensions | Investments | Financial Advice | Marketing
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin massa tortor, blandit non velit quis, tempus finibus nisi. Aliquam auctor, sapien et interdum consequat, neque sem fermentum augue, et commodo felis libero at velit. Vivamus tincidunt interdum commodo.test
General | Special Offers | Local Interest | Motor Insurance | Home Insurance | Travel Insurance | Life Insurance | Van Insurance | Protecting my family | Insuring a Business | Landlords | Mortgages | Pensions | Investments | Financial Advice | Marketing
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin massa tortor, blandit non velit quis, tempus finibus nisi. Aliquam auctor.test
General | Special Offers | Local Interest | Motor Insurance | Home Insurance | Travel Insurance | Life Insurance | Protecting my family | Insuring a Business | Landlords | Pensions | Investments | Financial Advice
We would like to keep your informed on information that is important and relevant to you however to do this we would like to you to update your preferences.
General | Special Offers | Local Interest | Motor Insurance | Home Insurance | Travel Insurance | Life Insurance | Protecting my family | Insuring a Business | Landlords | Pensions | Investments | Financial Advice
We would like to keep your informed on information that is important and relevant to you however to do this we would like to you to update your preferences.
General | Special Offers | Local Interest | Protecting my family | Investments | Financial Advice
If a child was born between 2002 - 2011 they could have up to £1000 just waiting in a bank account
General | Special Offers | Local Interest | Protecting my family | Investments | Financial Advice
If you pay into a cash Isa this year you will lose money, as rates are below inflation. But if you are going to save, a cash Isa is still worth having.
General | Special Offers | Local Interest | Motor Insurance | Home Insurance | Travel Insurance | Life Insurance | Van Insurance | Protecting my family | Insuring a Business | Landlords | Mortgages | Pensions | Investments | Financial Advice
We would like to keep your informed on information that is important and relevant to you however to do this we would like to you to update your preferences.
General | Special Offers | Local Interest | Motor Insurance | Home Insurance | Travel Insurance | Life Insurance | Van Insurance | Protecting my family | Insuring a Business | Landlords | Mortgages | Pensions | Investments | Financial Advice
The Easter weekend celebrations bring a four-day break, but it can be confusing to know when the holiday falls.
General | Special Offers | Local Interest | Motor Insurance | Home Insurance | Travel Insurance | Life Insurance | Van Insurance | Protecting my family | Insuring a Business | Landlords | Mortgages | Pensions | Investments | Financial Advice
An Echo Dot owner said an Amazon advert that triggered their device to order cat food was "socially irresponsible".
General | Special Offers | Local Interest | Motor Insurance | Home Insurance | Travel Insurance | Life Insurance | Van Insurance | Protecting my family | Insuring a Business | Landlords | Mortgages | Pensions | Investments | Financial Advice
The constable faces a tribunal after allegedly taking a colleague's biscuit tin from a cupboard and showing a "lack of integrity".
General | Special Offers | Local Interest | Motor Insurance | Home Insurance | Travel Insurance | Life Insurance | Van Insurance | Protecting my family | Insuring a Business | Landlords | Mortgages | Pensions | Investments | Financial Advice
Police in Mountain View, Silicon Valley explained that an officer noticed traffic backing up behind a self-driving car going 24mph (39km/h) on a street with a 35mph (56km/h) speed limit.
General | Special Offers | Local Interest | Motor Insurance | Home Insurance | Travel Insurance | Life Insurance | Van Insurance | Protecting my family | Insuring a Business | Landlords | Mortgages | Pensions | Investments | Financial Advice
Are 17-year-olds really the worst drivers? ‘Telematics’ boxes installed to cut insurance costs can show us how we drive
Billions of miles have been driven on Britain’s roads this decade in cars fitted with “telematics” boxes recording every detail of a driver’s behaviour – whether they are speeding on a 30mph urban road, how they are cornering on a country road, and how they are braking or accelerating on a motorway.
Installed in about 1m cars by insurance companies, they offer drivers – usually 17 to 25-year-olds – less costly insurance if they drive more carefully. But the telematics black boxes also reveal a wealth of data about how Britain drives - debunking a lot of modern myths, but confirming many others.
General | Special Offers | Local Interest | Travel Insurance | Protecting my family | Financial Advice
Foreign Office highlights cases such as an £80,000 bill for a broken hip to encourage holidaymakers to take out policies.Ahead of the peak holiday booking season.
General | Special Offers | Local Interest | Protecting my family | Financial Advice
Scams purporting to be from Asos, Aldi and Argos are all aggravating shoppers
General | Special Offers | Local Interest | Motor Insurance | Van Insurance | Financial Advice
The data showed that the average repair bill of £517 for a diesel car last year was 20 per cent higher than those for petrol vehicles (£433).
General | Special Offers | Motor Insurance | Home Insurance | Travel Insurance | Life Insurance | Van Insurance | Protecting my family | Insuring a Business | Landlords | Mortgages | Pensions | Investments | Financial Advice
An at-a-glance summary of the key points of Philip Hammond's Autumn 2017 Budget.
General | Special Offers | Local Interest
Manchester Arndale is set to announce deals and offers for Black Friday 2017
General | Special Offers | Motor Insurance
But offering a named driver solution is very expensive. We have an alternative...
General | Special Offers | Life Insurance | Protecting my family | Mortgages | Pensions | Investments | Financial Advice
UK: Aviva comments on record number of self-employed workers missing out on pensions
General | Special Offers | Local Interest | Motor Insurance | Van Insurance
Volvo recently announced that it will become the first major car manufacturer to go all electric, with the Swedish company saying that every new car in its range will have an electric powertrain available from 2019.
General | Special Offers | Local Interest | Life Insurance | Protecting my family | Insuring a Business | Pensions | Investments | Financial Advice
A report into the value of financial advice has found that those seeking help from an IFA were better off by an average of around £40,000 compared to their unadvised peers
General | Special Offers | Local Interest | Motor Insurance | Financial Advice
We’ve had many enquiries for a follow-on product to our Learner policy* that allows young drivers to be insured on the car they’ve learnt in after they’ve passed